Real estate appraisal, property valuation or land valuation is the process of developing an opinion of value for real property (usually market value). Real estate transactions often require appraisals because they occur infrequently and every property is unique (especially their condition, a key factor in valuation), unlike corporate stocks, which are traded daily and are identical (thus a centralized Walrasian auction like a stock exchange is unrealistic). The location also plays a key role in valuation. However, since property cannot change location, it is often the upgrades or improvements to the home that can change its value. Appraisal reports form the basis for mortgage loans, settling estates and divorces, taxation, and so on. Sometimes an appraisal report is used to establish a sale price for a property.
不動產估價師應採用三件以上比較標的,就其經前條推估檢討後之勘估標的試算價格,考量各比較標的蒐集資料可信度、各比較標的與勘估標的價格形成因素之相近程度,決定勘估標的之比較價格,並將比較修正內容敘明之。 收益法得採直接資本化法、折現現金流量分析法等方法。 依前項方法所求得之價格為收益價格。